Monday, February 22, 2016

Bumming around the world: Man snaps hot girlfriend from behind in stunning travel spots

    BOOTYFUL: Photographer snaps pictures of his hot girlfriend all around the world

The internet exploded when Russian photographer Murad Osmann posted shots of his beautiful girlfriend Natalia Zakharova in exotic locations around the globe in 2013.
Stunning snaps saw the leggy blonde leading the photographer away from the camera in various exotic locations around the world.
And now a young couple from Canada, who were inspired by Murad's #followmeto Instagram, have replicated the stunning shots.
Christian LeBlanc, 22, and his girlfriend Laura, 22, have experienced full moon parties, swam with whale sharks and drank "cat poo coffee" since they embarked on their adventure in January.

    BUMMED OUT: The stunning series are based on photographer Murad Osmann's #followmeto collect...

    ELIFE: This elephant snaps went viral on social media  

Their stunning photos show Laura leading Christian by the hand as they experience the wonders of the world.
In one snap Laura is seen flatting her pert posterior as they head of tubing in Laos.
While another breathtaking image shows the covered in mud in front of a group of elephants.
His now famous elephant selfie is just one of the wanderlust shots that went viral on social media.

    CHIC: The stunning blonde flaunts her svelte figure as she hits the surf

"Animals are really hard to photograph as they often have a completely different agenda to you, like with my incident with a particularly photogenic animal that took over the shot," said Christian.
"My elephant selfie, or 'elphie', was my favourite photo of the entire trip although I can't take all of the credit for that."

    STUNNING: The couple have travelled to 10 countries across Asia snapping the amazing shots

Thanks to the stunning pictures, Christian's Instagram page now has more than 28,000 followers and the couple both have travel vlogging pages on YouTube.
Christian first left Canada after a school exchange in January meant that he had the opportunity to study abroad in Bangkok.

    MAGICAL: Laura can be seen surrounded by multicoloured lanterns

Since Laura joined him in March, the happy pair have graduated from their year and travelled to 10 countries across Asia.
"Murad Osmann is the original creator of this style of 'followmeto' photos and I loved the concept," said Christian.
"It's a more interesting way of sharing your experiences and the best part is you don't need to look put together because the picture is from behind."



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